I started thinking about the future last night....
It all came about when I realized Ryan needed his haircut. It is an event I dread all the time. I have mentioned in previous entires how embarassing the whole ordeal is. I started to think about the life Ryan will have. Will he go to school? Will he have friends and play dates? Will he graduate from highschool and go to college? Will he fall in love and get married? Will I have grandchildren? Ryan is an amazing child, and truth be told, the future scares me for him, but I don't really care about anything other than him being happy.
His therapists have tried to put my fears at rest and seem to think that going to public school and being main streamed will not be a problem. I hope so. He gets so excited when he sees his sister get off of the big yellow bus. I want him to experience that too.
Who knows what the future will hold. He is a smart little boy, and I have no doubt he is in store for some great things. I call him my angel, I believe that he is. He is my miracle and with me by his side, he will be able to do anything and everything he wants. I will help him get there.
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