Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Feels like we are breaking up..

We had a big meeting last evening.  Chris and I met with our TSS and BSC.  Our TSS basically said she no longer felt like she was being effective, and was frank when she said it was in large part because of my lack of follow through.  She will continue his school hours, but will no longer be coming to the house to do his home hours.  Wow, feel like I have been kicked in the gut and broken up with!  I knew that I needed a break from having my house invaded by therapists, but I thought I would be asking for the break, not having the therapist walking out on us.  I

 understand where she is coming from, it just sucks.  Now we have to decided weather to have another therapist come into the home to do Ryan's home hours or to take on the home issues ourselves.  Ryan's home issues are few and far between.  He is a good little boy and the issues we have most often are compliance, which is manageable.  I don't want him to suffer because we are upset...I feel selfish for wanting to rid our lives of therapists in the home, but I do wonder if he really needs them at home???  They cut, color, do worksheets and talk, but he gets so much at school that I don't see how home hours are really a huge benefit to him.  We are taking few days to really think about what is best for Ryan and best for our family...I guess we will see what the next few days brings.

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